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From 1996 HTML to Now: Finally Launching My Personal Website

·358 words·2 mins
Anderson Carneiro
Anderson Carneiro

Having a website has been commonplace since the advent of the World Wide Web (WWW) by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. People have been creating websites for various purposes ever since. My own journey into web development began in 1996 with a simple website dedicated to Rock ’n’ Roll bands. This site, comprising a few basic HTML pages—one for each band plus an index—served as my Science Fair project.

The opportunity to delve deeper into IT came through my parents’ immense effort, enabling me to attend a technical school with an IT focus. From 1996 to 1998, I built the foundation of what would become both my passion and profession. I started with learning algorithms through Pascal, the first programming language I was introduced to. My education also covered the history of computers, hardware maintenance, and the Internet.

Back in 1996, accessing the Internet in Brazil was neither easy nor affordable. It was a luxury—expensive and slow. Yet, it made me feel as though I was part of an elite group with access to the world’s information. Imagine being the sole person in your circle with such access; that was the exhilaration I felt. During that era, my friends and I dabbled in radio communication, attempting to connect with taxi drivers and eavesdrop on police frequencies. Our equipment was limited, but the thrill of successfully communicating with others was unmatched. The advent of IRC then opened up a new world of global communication for me.

Years later, I would go on to create the second-largest gaming website in Brazil. This venture taught me valuable lessons in leadership and innovation as I guided a team of two partners in realizing our vision for a gaming portal. This experience is a story for another time, as it marks just one of many ventures before the question arose: why start anew?

I aim to use this platform to express myself, detailing my personal challenges and triumphs. My goal is to share insights from my experiences, aiming for at least one blog post a month. Through these posts, I intend to offer a positive perspective on technology and delve into my personal interests.